Sipping on Hot Chocolate in Florida is probably a little silly, but that is what we did one Sunday evening in March. I’m not a coffee drinker, and I drink tea on rare occasion, so hot chocolate is my hot beverage of choice in the cold winter months. Aside from milk chocolate and marshmallow, I didn’t know there were so many varieties of hot chocolate. This tasting was totally up my alley!
To save a little time, we prepared the hot water (or milk) ahead of time so when we arrived on our call we were mostly ready. I quickly got excited filling up my glasses.
This tasting was not a ‘blind’ tasting. We all tasted the same hot chocolate flavor at the same time and thought about our reactions – smell, taste, and consistency/color.
Like many of our other tastings, there was a lot of consistency in thought about the ones we didn’t like but some variety on ‘favorites’. Surprisingly, I did not like most of these flavors. The Swiss Miss Pumpkin Spice was my favorite and I easily finished that mug, my runner up was the Land O Lakes French Vanilla. My least favorite was the Good & Gather Cinnamon not only was the taste not to my liking, but the smell was unbearable.
I felt really bad dumping so much hot chocolate down the drain at the end. But there is only so much hot chocolate I can drink in the later evening before bed, and still be able to fall asleep. I think if I did this type of tasting again, maybe I’d make a half or a third of the packet instead of the full cup for each.
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